Team Anandtech
Issue no: 200047 Subscribers: 181 |
Editorial Ranking Milestone Makers
Besides a respectable number of recent assimilations, we have
32 new RC5 members: These members have crunched on the RC5-64 project for some time
now and made the step to becoming a part of our great team: They are still working hard. Dennilfloss and Adul are adding to the ranks of TA more and more. Take a look at this thread for Dennilfloss' achievements. Aduls' achievements can be followed here. Also a general assimilation thread is started by Adul and Train. Here every TA-member can report additions. The latest reinforcements for the Seti
team, that are not yet mentioned: (Nov/12-18) They are all welcomed into Team Anandtech. We hope all the new members will be part of the largest distributed computing family for a very long time. If we have forgotten anybody, please
don't feel passed. It's difficult to keep track of every new member.
Project RC5Our team has been working hard in the last few months to overtake Slashdot as quickly as possible. On Nov. 10th, all the efforts of the TA-members finally paid off. Congratulations to everyone on this big achievement. It will be a moment to be remembered for a long time. The dump of several miniteams within the DPC-ranks is still a hot topic: A lot of them miniteams are saving for a big dump before the end of the year. Right now the thread has expanded to 9 pages in total with an expectation of between 9 and 11 million blocks in total. On page 10 of the DPC-thread, you can read all about the amount to be flushed, ordered by date. For some figures now: [Last weeks numbers between brackets.]
Project SetiOverall # ranking for 11/19 in the
Club Teams category. How long it will take, is very difficult to tell. In the last week, two very opposing threads appeared on the forums. Robor announced, that he and rleach2 will be loosing a big part of their herd, thereby lowering the Seti output by almost 150 WU's. This is about 10% of the teams' total output. On the bright side, Magicman said, he's almost ready for a comeback and will help out our Seti team. Project OGR-25We are working on adding the ranking for the OGR project. We can say however, Thunder made an urgent call for more power, even for a short period of time. DNet is slowing down with the reissu of stubs. Our chance of becoming No. 1 is decreasing day by day. Important to mention is that the DPC are converting some power to the OGR project. Somehow, they want to become a major player in this project also. Project GFTeam Anandtech is still in a lead with the GammaFlux project, but we could use a bit more power to be sure we'll stay No 1. Team ProcessTree is gaining on us fast with 25000 WU's more than TA,. They have to overcome a bit more than 700k WU's in order to catch us. Team 3DNow is contributing about 500 WU's more on average, with ~350k to go before overtaking us. Osmo made a call in which he is asking for some assistance in the efforts of keeping TA on the No. 1 spot in this project. Considering the growth ProcessTree has gone through, it is most likely TA will be run over within the next 20 to 25 days, if nothing is done about it. Stats taken from Osmo's
This section is meant to congratulate TA-members on their special achievements. The milestones for the different projects are:
Project RC52000, November 13 - November 19
This list of RC5 milestone makers is more like we're used to. However, all of the milestone makers deserve a big congratulations on their achievements. Keep up the good work. Let's all make the list longer with each issue of the newsletter. Project SetiWe are still working on a mechanism for listing the milestone makers for Seti. Project OGR-25Next time we should have a list of milestone makers for the OGR-25 competition. Project GFWe are still working on a mechanism for listing the milestone makers for GF.
Team Anandtech at ComdexSeveral threads are about the Comdex computer show. Lord Demios said he is working hard on getting some support for the GameBox. A number of Linux business have shown interest. Ofcourse, Dennilfloss had to ask if some Borg implants were brought to the fair. He is really trying to assimilate the world. In this thread, he incorporated an interesting inside on the art of warfare. Finally, TheyCallMeSAK came up with an interesting thought. Is it possible to take a stand at Comdex? Is it affordable to get a booth with the intention of promoting the teams efforts? Any ideas, remarks or contributions are welcome and can be added to the thread. Team Anandtech Advertising campaignDanC is still waiting for input to his question: Which site will be most suited to host the banner for recruiting people for TA? Some very interesting suggestions have been made, but maybe there is a site, nobody has thought of and offers some very interesting perspectives. PeterN made a suggestion (in the same thread), to use some banner exchange company. This will take our banner to many websites and it will cost much less money. IRC Is Moving
Organizational News |
All trouble with the statistics server Tally of DNet has been cleared. Everything is back to normal with all stats. However, Bovine wrote in the DNet-plans that DNet is going to slow down on reissuing the OGR stubs, since they are almost all done. The start of OGR-26 is delayed, because the results of the first two projects must be confirmed somehow.
On their news page,
DCypher announced two important
First, the movement to their new buildings. This will cause some
fluctuations in the availability of the key- and stats servers.
The second fact, is the signing of a contract with the first paying
customer. The project is a quality-of-service monitoring system that
allows real-time checking on the performance and availability of
Topics RC5 |
This is an important thread to all members, who have computers assimilated, that are mostly used for rendering graphics. It appears that the client is not very friendly to some rendering software. It does not release the resources on its own for the process. The priority of the rendering software has to altered manually.
This is still a hot topic on the DPC-forum with 10 pages of messages. Proxy71 asks the DPC-crew if anyone has plans for a team- or individual megaflush. On page 10, there is an overview of all flushes, ordered by date. The total amount stands at 11,2 million blocks. Can we counter this attack? Yes, we can. The answer to the problem is recruiting more members and assimilating more computers.
Topics Seti |
Fardringle made a comparison of the GUI and the CLi client. He discovered, there is a major speed increase, when using the latter on slower machines.
When encountered a strange problem with the Seti client, Fardringle tries to get some answers from TA-members. His new computer (a K6-3 running at 600MHz) runs perfectly stable with various heavy-duty programs (3dMark, UT, and many other things), but the machine hangs after 30 minutes when running the Seti client v.3.0 (DOS and GUI).
Topics OGR |
NT4Mike reports TA being first in the daily counts for the OGR competition. More important he's pointing out, several members might need to rejoin to TA. Otherwise their work won't be counted for the team. This happened because of the errors in the database of DNet.
Topics GF |
The DCypher crew is moving into a new office, so Joe O. reports on Nov. 18th. Because of this, the statistics and blocks admission servers will be out for some time. At the time of writing, everything appeared to be back to normal.
The lead of TA in this contest has shrinked to 700k WU's. Team ProcessTree is gaining on us fast with an average of 25,000 blocks daily. Osmo calls out for a bit of help, to keep our No. 1 spot.
Linux and Crackrack info |
A number of threads appeared on how to set up a crackrack. Toph99, for example, asked for the best and cheapest way to making a dedicated cracker. Because of this thread, the question arises if the making of a FAQ on this subject is necessary. It will be a valuable asset to the already extensive archives of TA-FAQ's.
Wellcky had some trouble with an overstock motherboard and asked advice. Orange Kid offered help, but it is unsure if the problem is solved.
Finally, Brute has a parallel virtual machine (PVM) at his disposal. No one could answer to his question, if such a machine would be of any assistence in one of the DC-projects. Some suggestions were made, e.g. the using of a kernel utility like Mosix. If someone can give a sensible answer to this difficult question, it will be much appreciated.
To keep everybody informed, this topic is kept in this edition of the newsletter. KiloWatt announces the move of his website to a part of Dales' server. On the new address one can find the KLinux boot disks. With these disks, you can run the DNet-client with a minimal configuration. The next version (v.3.0) of KLinux will be coming soon.
Somehow this question comes up every now and then. Here, DanC asks the TA-members if someone knows how to connect more than one motherboard to a power supply. Lord Demios answers with a very elaborate story on how to go ahead.
Other interesting topics |
There are no other topics, that are interesting enough to be mentioned.
Again, last week we had a historic moment. Passing the 500 million block mark. We were the first team to reach that milestone. Slashdot followed shortly afterwards and even managed to become No. 1 for a day again. This was mainly because of a new member, that was already crunching blocks for some time.
Our Seti team has also shown some good results, in passing two teams within a week. Hopefully, they can keep up this momentum and catch Team Linux within a reasonable time.
Regarding the newsletter, you will notice that we have tried to make the stories more cohesive. Multiple threads about a topic are taken together, to enhance the reading. In time, these and other improvements will be incorporated into the newsletter.
The number of subscriptions is still rising. With last issue, 109 people took a subscription. That number is now up to over 180. Every day there are still one or two subscribers added. Over 30 people still have to return their confirmation, so more than 210 people have shown interest in the team and want to receive news about our efforts.
A number of news clippings from the previous issue are reappearing in this newsletter. They might be of interest to all the new subscribers.
In this newsletter, we have mentioned all the topics we could think of. Yet, not all of them are filled yet. In time, all topics will be covered. If any remark, idea or suggestion might arise, please don't hesitate to send them to the editorial team.
The purpose of this newsletter is to keep every person, interested in the various distributed computing projects the members of Team Anandtech are participating in, up-to-date with the latest achievements and developments.
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The Editorial team:
Chief Editor |
PeterN |
Editor |
Twoface |
Editor |
Brian_Riendeau |
Script editor |
Dale |
© 2000 Team Anandtech
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