Team Anandtech
Issue no: 200048 Subscribers: 217 |
Editorial Ranking Milestone
Members that still need to rejoinThe list is shrinking slowly, but there are still a huge number of members that need to rejoin our team, because of the DNet error a few weeks ago. Please, take a look at the list below. If you are on it, then don't hesitate and rejoin. The date behind the names is the last submittal date.
The original call can be found here.
We have 13 new RC5 members: Dennilfloss and Adul are still adding to the ranks of TA more and more. Take a look at this thread for Dennilfloss' achievements. Aduls accomplishments can be followed here. A general assimilation thread is started by Adul and Train. Here every TA-member can report additions. We weren't able to list the new members for the Seti team. Hopefully, they will be in our next issue. They are all welcomed into Team Anandtech. We hope all the new members will be part of the largest distributed computing family for a very long time. If we have forgotten anybody, please
don't feel passed. It's difficult to keep track of every new member.
Project RC5Our 500 million milestone is behind us for a week now. In the last few days we have seen a slight increase in our average daily output (from 1,3 to 1,4 million). Hopefully this is an on-going trend. We still have to take into account the DPC are dumping around 1 million blocks more than us. Somehow, we are not producing near as much as we used to do. For this week, we are down 5 million blocks, compared to last week. This may have three reasons:
The dump of several miniteams within the DPC-ranks is still a hot topic:
A lot of their miniteams are saving for a big dump before the end
of the year. Right now the thread has expanded to 9 pages in total
with an expectation of between 9 and 11 million blocks in total.
In the new thread
a complete overview is given by date of flush.One of the DPC-miniteams
has made a dump on Monday, Nov. 27th. According to this thread,
Team Graasland made a flush of 1 million blocks. For some figures now: [Last weeks numbers between brackets.]
Project SetiOverall # ranking for 11/26 in the
Club Teams category. The difference between our Seti-team and the O’Grady’s Macs has decreased with 7000+ WU's. The gap with Team Linux' has shrinked with some 2500 WU's. Not as quick as is desirable, but a very good achievement. With some new additions, our Seti friends may have a chance of entering the Club Top 10 within two months. Project OGR-25
Finally, we were able to add the ranking in this project. It is not complete yet, but that's because of a lack of stats from last week. Several calls were made to put some power to OGR. This had the desired effect. We are slowly gaining on Slashdot. Let's keep up the good work and try to pass them before years' end. Important to mention is that the DPC are converting some power to the OGR project. Somehow, they want to become a major player in this project also. Project GFSomehow, Team Anandtech has a anonymous benefactor in the GammaFlux project. the last few days, TA is submitting almost double the amount fo WU's than our biggest competitor, Team ProcessTree. It appears, WU's flushed under and are added to the TA stats. If this is correct, we will see in the near future. For now, with this kind of submittals we can keep our No. 1 spot for a long time. Osmo made a call in which she is asking for some assistance in the efforts of keeping TA on the No. 1 spot in this project. Without the anonymous contributor, we need roughly 75 MHz to stay on top of the world. Stats taken from Osmo's
This section is meant to congratulate TA-members on their special achievements. More and more TA-members are getting their milestones. Lets keep up the pace. The milestones for the different projects are:
Project RC5We have changed the list to an alphabetical order, so everyone can now find his own milestone a bit easier. 2000, November 20 - November 26
This list of RC5 milestone makers is more like we're used to. Project SetiWe are still working on a mechanism for listing the milestone makers for Seti. Project OGR-25Finally we have a milestone makers list of the OGR-25 project, thanks to NT4Mike.
Project GFWe are still working on a mechanism for listing the milestone makers for GF.
Team Anandtech CrackGameWinnerAs most of the forum visitors know, there has been a little game
on guessing, when TA would become No. 1. Team Anandtech Advertising campaignDanC is still waiting for input to his question: Which site will be most suited to host the banner for recruiting people for TA? Some very interesting suggestions have been made, but maybe there is a site, nobody has thought of and offers some very interesting perspectives. PeterN made a suggestion (in the same thread), to use some banner exchange company. This will take our banner to many websites and it will cost much less money. Also, an offer has been made by Cycas. He is willing to put the banner on his side for free for some time. Come on, people. Let this vast resource of members not go to waste and give some input on this topic. It will benefit all our projects, if we can get more computer users to join TA.
DNETThe latest news from DNet is regarding a joining forces of DNet with United Devices. Moose (a DNet staff member) made the announcement on the TA-forum. He assures the working of the client and DNet will remain the same. This cooperation will mean a sustainable organization, since DNet has the knowledge and UD has the financial means to back up all plans.
Processor deceasedToph99 announced the sudden death of one of the processors, cracking for him. It might be the 486 was running too hot in an attempt to try and accomplish its mission. We all feel sorry for the great loss. rc5 client causing a >50% drop in rendering performance
Topics Seti |
Fardringle made a comparison of the GUI and the CLi client. He discovered, there is a major speed increase, when using the latter on slower machines.
Photolenny pointed out, the Seti project was in the Guiness Book of World Records.
The Seti CLi-client worked properly for about 3 months, but suddenly Stallion experienced problems. For some reason, it can not connect to the servers of Seti@Home automatically.
Fairly new to Seti, Nighthawk69 is wondering about the various times it takes to complete a seti-wu. Answers from several members state, this is perfectly normal. Also some advice is given to optimize the output.
Topics OGR |
NT4Mike reports TA being first in the daily counts for the OGR competition. More important he's pointing out, several members might need to rejoin to TA. Otherwise their work won't be counted for the team. This happened because of the errors in the database of DNet.
Topics GF |
Besides the already mentioned anonymous contributor, there is not much new to tell about the GammaFlux project.
Linux and Crackrack info |
By mistake the links to the next two topics were wrong. I've left them, with the correct links.
Wellcky had some trouble with an motherboard and asked advice. Orange Kid offered help, but it is unsure if the problem is solved.
Finally, Brute has a parallel virtual machine (PVM) at his disposal. No one could answer to his question, if such a machine would be of any assistence in one of the DC-projects. Some suggestions were made, e.g. the using of a kernel utility like Mosix. If someone can give a sensible answer to this difficult question, it will be much appreciated.
MadMerc is asking about the best option to connect only one set of monitor/keyboard/mouse to multiple computers. Besides some hardware solutions, he is adviced to use some kind of remote software, like VNC or PC Anywhere. TwoFace said he tried to run VNC on his Linux box, but doesn't seem to get it working properly. Some advice on this is also given.
After messing up his power supply, Pretender is looking for a new one. Also Narzy is looking for power supplies. He has two motherboards and cpu's but no PS. Maybe someone has one lying around somewhere and wants to part from it?
Somehow this question comes up every now and then. We will leave it for a number of issues. Here, DanC asks the TA-members if someone knows how to connect more than one motherboard to a power supply. Lord Demios answers with a very elaborate story on how to go ahead.
Other interesting topics |
There are no other topics, that are interesting enough to be mentioned.
Besides some disturbing news from the DPC, about dumping large amounts of blocks, there was not much to report about.
The RC5 output still seems to suffer from the stats outage a few weeks ago. That is why the list of members to rejoin have been added again.
Several calls for assistance in OGR and GammaFlux were made. This resulted in an increased interest in these projects.
Our Seti team has done well in the last week. Gaining 2500 WU's on a great rival, Team Linux is a great achievement.
Again, the number of subscriptions is increasing, from 180 last time to 217 with this issue. Every day subscriptions are excepted. If you have someone that might be interested in the achievements of TA, e.g. friends, family or colleagues, then please forward a copy to them and show them how to sign up.
A number of news clippings from the previous issue are reappearing in this newsletter. They might be of interest to all the new subscribers.
In this newsletter, we have mentioned all the topics we could think of. Yet, not all of them are filled yet. In time, all topics will be covered. If any remark, idea or suggestion might arise, please don't hesitate to send them to the editorial team.
The purpose of this newsletter is to keep every person, interested in the various distributed computing projects the members of Team Anandtech are participating in, up-to-date with the latest achievements and developments.
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The Editorial team:
Chief Editor |
PeterN |
Editor |
Twoface |
Editor |
Brian_Riendeau |
Script editor |
Dale |
© 2000 Team Anandtech
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KLinux client (by KiloWatt)